Basic Object Question


I don’t know the correct english terms for this, so it’s hard to find the answer yet. I think it’s just a basic PHP Object thing, but it could also be something of Yii. So I want to give it a try.

I always thought that this two things are the same:

// 1

$test = new Product;


// 2


Am I correct this is creating an instance of an class?

But this is not the same. I realize this, because I got an MySQL error. So I found that the thing that cause this, was that I call a scope ‘newest’ in a line above for a $dataProvider, like this:

$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider(Product::model()->newest(),array());

// This one gives me a MySQL error, because it includes the Order

// part (ORDER BY id DESC) of the newest() scope of the line above too so the error 

// is: Column 'id' in order clause is ambiguous.


// But this one works, not including the newest() scope.

$test = new Product;


The newest scope in my Product model:

	public function newest() 



			'order' => 'id DESC',



		return $this;


Could someone explain this to me, or give me a hint what keywords I should look for? I guess it’s a very simple thing, but I just don’t get it :D .


Yes I understand that I can fix it with:


or in the newest() scope (add t. ):

	public function newest() 



			'order' => ' DESC',



		return $this;


But what I don’t understand is why the DbCriteria are still in the ‘memory’ when creating a new object. Or am I not creating a new object?

Ok, let me shorten the question.

When I do:


Why does it have a ‘memory’ for the scopes used previously?

And when I do:

$test = new Product;


It won’t?

Product::model() creates Product class instance (so called singleton). So basically it is pretty similar to your $test->category($id)->findAll(), but you should not use it this way because model() function does slighly more:

new $className(null);


so it creates model instance with "null" as constructor attribute which disables "scenario" handling for this object and then attaches behaviors.

Thanks a lot Red, this makes it a little better for me to understand. I also try to dig trough the Yii sourcecode to understand it more.

update: a by searching the singleton term, I found much more info (like That was the term indeed!

I think I can work on from here. Thanks!