Bad Request (#400) Unable to verify your data submission and datepicker

I have got this error, when submit the form:

I have got <?= Html::csrfMetaTags() ?> in the layout. I think, that this problems I have, because I use datepicker. Form create with ActiveForm.

What I must to do? Here is code of the form:


        $form2 = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => 'user-univer']);

        echo $form2->field($model2, 'university')->label('Input university name:');

        echo $form2->field($model2, 'degree')->label('Input your education specialization:');

        //echo $form2->field($model2, 'date')->label('Input your education date:');

        echo '<label class="control-label">Education time:</label><br/>';

        echo '<span>Start date of your education:</span>';

        echo DatePicker::widget([

            'name'  => 'date_from',

            'value'  => $value,

            'dateFormat' => 'dd.MM.yyyy',


        echo '<span>End date of your education:</span>';

        echo DatePicker::widget([

            'name'  => 'date_to',

            'value'  => $value,

            'dateFormat' => 'dd.MM.yyyy',    


        echo '<br/><br/>';

        echo $form2->field($model2, 'info')->textarea()->label('Any other information about your university degree:');

        echo Html::submitButton('Add university', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-univer']);

        ActiveForm::end(['id' => 'user-univer']);

        } ?>

I rebuild code to this:


			$form2 = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => 'user-univer']);

			echo $form2->field($model2, 'university')->label('Input university name:');

			echo $form2->field($model2, 'degree')->label('Input your education specialization:');

			//echo $form2->field($model2, 'date')->label('Input your education date:');

			echo '<label class="control-label">Education time:</label><br/>';

			echo '<span>Start date of your education:</span>';

			echo DatePicker::widget([

				'model' => $model2,

			    'attribute' => 'date_from',

			    'value'  => $value,

			    'dateFormat' => 'dd.MM.yyyy',


			echo '<span>End date of your education:</span>';

			echo DatePicker::widget([

				'model' => $model2,

				'attribute' => 'date_to',

			    'value'  => $value,

			    'dateFormat' => 'dd.MM.yyyy',    


			echo '<br/><br/>';



			echo $form2->field($model2, 'info')->textarea()->label('Any other information about your university degree:');

			echo Html::submitButton('Add university', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-univer']);

			ActiveForm::end(['id' => 'user-univer']);


			} ?>

but it still not working. Why?

without detepicker the same problems.