Authentication and guest

I’m trying to create an API which allows authenticated user and guest (with some conditions).
The behavior function is defined as follows (psuedo code):

function behaviors() {
return [
    'access'    => [
        'class' => AccessControl::className(),
        'rules' => [
                'allow' => true,
                'roles' => ['?'],
                'matchCallback' => function($rule, $action)  {
                    return someCondition();
                'allow' => true,
                'roles' => ['@'],
    'auth' => [
        'class' => CompositeAuth::className(),
        'authMethods' => [
            SSOAuth::className(), // customized auth to check SSO login

If there’s just the ‘access’ in behaviors function, it works as intended. But when ‘auth’ is added to behaviors, it returns 401.
What should be the correct way to allow Guest access?