I cant find where is the problem with the extensions, the application can’t find the styles or libraries, the menu and the yii tabs aren’t load, maybe something in the routes.
I clean the assets directory but this don’t work.
In the applicattion log all errors are similar :
Unable to resolve the request “assets/d97af739/menu_blue.css”.’ in /var/www/vhosts/godgossip.org/httpdocs/yii/framework/web/CWebApplication.php:314
Maybe is something related to the production o development enviroment, the application doesn’t load all the resources
The asset folder is not writeable for the webserver (but this should throw an exception i think). Check if there are files published, when you request some Yii pages.
If the files exist in the asset folder something’s wrong with your mod_rewrite setup: These requests should never be rewritten to Yii but handled by the webserver directly. So also double check your .htaccess.