Assetmanager - How To Determine Webroot In Config


does anybody know, whether it is possible to configure AssetManager in config.main with some kind of web root alias?

Currently following is possible - hard-coded paths - config/main.php:





I need to set path dynamically like so:





This is because development, testing and productions server may each have different webroot.

When I dont set any root, paths are determined correctly, because CAssetManager uses request URL:

public function getBaseUrl()







	return $this->_baseUrl;


Unfortunatelly, this code is always skipped when setting URL in config.

I think it is not correct and URL root should always be taken from request since assets directory must be public. So the code above should be like so:

public function getBaseUrl()


	static $done;




		$this->setBaseUrl($request->getBaseUrl().'/'.($this->_baseUrl ? $this->_baseUrl : self::DEFAULT_BASEPATH));

		$done = true;


	return $this->_baseUrl;


Unfortunatelly, overriding class in config does not work because of private properties (and that’s why private visibility should never be used in frameworks!):




So has anybody similar problem with some pretty solution?

Thanx in advance.


May be ths can help you.

Thanx, for tip, my issue is only related to incorrectly calculated web root.

I solved problem by overriding CAssetManager methods - here is my class:



* Configuration - main.php:







class AssetManager extends CAssetManager{


	 * @var string base URL for accessing the publishing directory.


	private $_baseUrl;


	* Override parent method to allow dynamic URL web root


	public function getBaseUrl()


		static $done;




			$this->setBaseUrl($request->getBaseUrl().'/'.($this->_baseUrl ? $this->_baseUrl : self::DEFAULT_BASEPATH));

			$done = true;


		return $this->_baseUrl;



	* Must be here because parent uses private property:-(

	* @param string $value


	public function setBaseUrl($value)





It is probably least possible overhead and it will allow publishing all assets anywhere out of direct webroot.

This way, assets can be placed into static CDN mapped subdomain.


.:: XL ::.