Assetconverter - Separating Targets From Sources

Hi all, I’m trying to use the new AssetManager’s conversion feature to publish a compass project.

The project’s layout is as follows:

ben@centurion:~/iw-reload/frontend/assets/compass$ tree


├── config.rb

├── sass

│   ├── ie.scss

│   ├── print.scss

│   └── screen.scss

└── stylesheets

    ├── ie.css

    ├── print.css

    └── screen.css

Basically, the scss files and the resulting css files are kept separate from each other. I wonder if there is a possibility to configure AssetManager and AssetConverter in a way to


[*]generate css files somewhere it is allowed to write (runtime?)

[*]publish only the css files, not the scss sources
