[ask] instal Rights extenstion

sudah extract rightsnya ke C:\xampp\htdocs\myYii\protected\modules\rights

isi main.php








	// uncomment the following to enable the Gii tool






















	 	// If removed, Gii defaults to localhost only. Edit carefully to taste.





// application components




		// enable cookie-based authentication









pas di run keluar error [Property "RightsModule.0" is not defined. ]

ada yang bisa bantu kenapa ni…


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sory2…n tq for replay^^

first i extract Rights folder to :C:\xampp\htdocs\myYii\protected\modules\rights

in main.php:








		// uncomment the following to enable the Gii tool


























			// enable cookie-based authentication









in my controller

	public function filters()



      	return array(



and when i run /index.php?r=rights i got erro [Error 403 There must be at least one superuser]

I have the same cuestion, what is the url line command to run the rights install ???, i quote the text in the rights oficial setup manual.


I find the possible install script for rights in:


proves to call it directly, although not think it should be so.

I try to run:


And the server return the error message:

The Solution to Install Right are you run the url command:


To execute the rights install.