I’m not sure, but this seems to behave like a bug.
Region has many Market. I’m trying to display for each Region many Markets as radio buttons.
Using the code below with the parameter $groupField = ‘Region_id’ causes Yii 1.1.15 to crash.
$listData = CHtml::listData($data->markets, 'id', 'Market', 'Region_id');
echo CHtml::activeRadioButtonList($data->markets[0], 'id', $listData);
Array to string conversion
public static function tag($tag,$htmlOptions=array(),$content=false,$closeTag=true)
157 {
158 $html='<' . $tag . self::renderAttributes($htmlOptions);
159 if($content===false)
160 return $closeTag && self::$closeSingleTags ? $html.' />' : $html.'>';
161 else
162 return $closeTag ? $html.'>'.$content.'</'.$tag.'>' : $html.'>'.$content;
163 }
The value of the variables are:
$listData = array(2 => array(1 => ‘MTN’, 2 => ‘PNW’), 3 => array(3 => ‘NCA’, 4 => ‘SCA’))
$content = array(1 => ‘MTN’, 2 => ‘PNW’)
I was just trying to have the Market radio buttons grouped by the Region so they don’t affect each other when clicked on them.
How do you guys usually program it with Yii? Is this a bug or just user error?