ar scopes+relations query problem

Hi there,

I have a complicated join query using active record and it didn’t display what I needed. Not too sure whether I made any mistakes. I have went through the yii guide, active record source code, reference documentation but has yet to get a solution. Please advise.

In controller:


In model: (Category)

public function relations()










public function scopes()


  return array(


      'condition'=>'deleted_time IS NULL',

      'order'=>'name ASC',





public function published($offset=0,$limit=null)






  return $this;


In application.log:

2009/09/09 09:19:36 [trace] [] Category.findAll()

2009/09/09 09:19:36 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `category` LIMIT 50

I am expecting some like these sort of query:

SELECT * FROM category LEFT OUTER JOIN user-category user_owned_t1 ON ( LEFT OUTER JOIN user t1 ON ( WHERE ( LIMIT 50. Bind with parameter :id=‘2’


you essentially defined the scope 'published' twice.

change your published method to


public function published($offset=0,$limit=-1)





    'condition' = < 'deleted_time IS NULL',

    'with' 'user_owned'


  return $this;


and remove the scopes method

I think that ought to work

Hi MarcS,

I have tried your advice and you are right that I defined the ‘published’ twice I guess. Because initially I thought defining ‘published’ as function will override scopes ‘published’ by merging both criteria together.

Anyway the result is almost there except that ‘with’ does not seem to work in ‘mergeWith’. I got this sql statement:

SELECT * FROM `category` WHERE deleted_time IS NULL ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 50

thanks MarcS anyway.

CDbCriteria doesn’t support with() (yet).

ok thanks i guess i have to use this:


thanks to all.