Append data to existing file PHPExcel


Creating a new export file with PhpExcel library seems very easy, but when I try to open an existing excel file and write in that file I have problems, can anyone help me on this matter?

$xls = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($download.'/'.$this->getFileName());


//add data to the file


$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($xls, 'Excel5');


The error that I receive is an exception that is raised I suppose but I can not get the whole error to be displayed because of the unregister command that we need to call before initializing a PHPExcel object.

Therefore the error that I get is CExpection class is not found, but due to debugging I found out that the problem comes from this line:


Thank you in advance for your help.


Maybe the problem have to see with the var $download or the method $this->getFileName()

I recomend u use

      echo CVarDumper::dump($this->getFileName,10,true);

To try if u var or method have the correct values for the factory method.

XD hey remeber that this forum is spanish, unless u post must be on the languajes hahaha



Thank you for the reply, yes I have checked and the path is the correct one.

Any other ideas?



Can u send me a link with the library to test it?