Append a variable to CHtml::listData value

I use a listData function to provide the data for a dropDownList. I recently updated my query to provide a count, as follows:

return CHtml::listData(Town::model()->findAll(array(

			'select'=>',, count( AS NumSupplier',

			'join'=>'LEFT OUTER JOIN supplier supp ON =',







		'id', 'name');

Basically I have the SQL variable NumSupplier which stores the count value, I want this value to be appended to ‘name’. For example the current output of the listData is:

<option value="1">Manchester</option>

This now needs to be displayed as:

<option value="1">Manchester (20)</option>

I suposse that you actually have a public property in your Town model called NumSupplier.

So, next step is to define a new function,

public function getNameWitNumSupplier(){ // pay attention to the name!!!

   return $this->name.' ('.$this->NumSupplier.')';


and the use the CHtml::listData, like this:

return CHtml::listData(Town::model()->findAll(array(

                        'select'=>',, count( AS NumSupplier',

                        'join'=>'LEFT OUTER JOIN supplier supp ON =',







                'id', 'nameWitNumSupplier'); // again pay attention to the property!!!

I guess that with these changes it must work…

Thank you very much my friend! :)

Is it possible to turn that long query in to a relation? I tried doing this at first but I could not get it to work.

no problem!! ;)

How do I specify:

'join'=>'LEFT OUTER JOIN supplier supp ON ='

If I want to create my query as a relation? Basically it’s telling me “Unknown column ‘’ in ‘field list’”