Yii3 sounds to be great, especially modularity. Any ETA for first public release, especially REST stuff with no views stuffs?
Yii3 sounds to be great, especially modularity. Any ETA for first public release, especially REST stuff with no views stuffs?
No. It’s very hard to estimate since noone working on it does it fulltime. It depends on how much time is there to contribute daily and it varies a lot.
I see. I thought the team had estimate already. Will be waiting.
The best would be to keep an eye on the repository
Thats right Jacob.
If Yii team can open a ticket where we can subscribe and get update for major changes it’ll be great!
I time to time visit repository and check out activities and especially if there is anything I can help.
Can I donate money to Yii3 team?
There’s my campaign at patreon https://www.patreon.com/samdark but since it’s hiqsol (Andrii Vasyliev) who is the main driving force of 3.0 it would be more fair to donate either to him (I can ask him creating a patreon account) or to Yii foundation (it’s not there yet but planned).
I don’t get this, why ?
Why is it so hard to do something and gather money from us, the community? I stated numerous times, i for one will pay (i have an active subscription at pantheon for you too, it’s my absolute pleasure to give smth back).
I don’t have time to contribute to code, but i do use your code to make money, so i will happily pay. So will do lots of people.
Laravel has lots of projects they monetise, why can’t Yii do the same ?
This entire thing with “we don’t have the time blah blah” will drive away people, i think it’s really the time you all sit down (dev team) and discuss a business model where you earn money and you can dedicate full time to this framework and to the ecosystem.
Do something, people will go away if you don’t. Things move fast, people will not wait for you to move at same pace, they will get the next tool that does this and move away. It’d be such a pity.
Er, it depends on what kind of people you want to attract / encourage, I think
There’s nothing bad in complimentary services such as providing high quality hosting (@CeBe is to launch https://www.cebe.cloud/ and there’s a possibility that future Yii foundation and his company will partner), doing code reviews, maintaining a job board etc.
The thing is that these should add value, not make important part of Yii unavailable unless you pay.
Because it should be transparent, fair to Yii community and core team members and legally OK else it could be a huge disaster.
Please consider monetizing model for Yii framework.
The framework is a great tool that saves huge amount of time for developers - we need to make sure it will survive our projects during the years
It’s used by big & small companies many of which generate cash flow.
Open source does not mean it must be for free - see RH linux, Symfony etc business models.
Framework needs to live - maintain infrastructure, organize conferences and mainly reward core developers for their time & shared knowledge.
There has been quite a discussion in SK-CZ countries regarding founding open source - e.g. Nette framework considering to change licensing model and cover at least some expenditures …
If only 10 USD would be paid by businesses that use Yii there would be no need for core developers to look for another jobs. Or perhaps provide paid support, paid extensions, commercial software etc …
While currently I can not contribute coding nor funding, just a hint:
My favourite sociologist considers money to be a means of communication, not more, not less.
It would be good to get some clarification on this? What is the target audience of Yii Framework?
Is Yii 3.0 really a step forward, if it is still way behind Laravel in terms of core features?
Which Laravel features are you referring to? I remember there was discussions on Facebook and Trello on what should be or not be in Yii 2.1 turned 3.x. So I guess no one rose that concern, if there’s any really.
That’s a bold claim, but without specifying any details it’s worth nothing. What are you missing?
I’m not sure whether Yii dev team actively monitor other (rival) frameworks or not. If not, I suggest they start doing so because I use both Laravel and Yii on a regular basis and can tell you developing in Laravel is a breeze compared to Yii. I don’t have time to go in to detail but a quick read of the Laravel docs will tell you all you need to know. Simple but really useful things like:
The list goes on. Seriously have a read of the docs and tell me honestly that Laravel aren’t doing things better?
Now I know you guys will turn around and say “well all of those things are available in Yii by way of third-party extensions” or that “Yii2 is just a base framework and we want to allow developers to use libraries of their choice”. But the fact is, with Laravel you have a “fully loaded” solution with convenient features that are available as and when you need them. You don’t have to worry about using third-party extensions which may not be well-written or no longer maintained.
I don’t know the situation in other countries, but here in the UK barely any digital agencies use Yii. I never see job specifications asking for Yii experience - it’s always Laravel, Symfony, Cake.
I’m not having a go at the Yii devs but I think we have to start being realistic and accept the position that Yii is at in relation to other frameworks. And so this goes back to my original question - who is the target audience?
Laravel is in my opinion a very polished kitchen sink
You have to understand that once you move away from the officially approved artisan way of doing things, you may start to want to have a minimal core.
Yii 3 becomes even more minimal and flexible than Yii 2.
Laravel and Yii… two different philosophies.
I have a feeling that you will be much happier if you chose Laravel, at least for the moment…
I see Yii fit in between Symfony and Cake.
Also, just because Yii is not huge in UK, doesn’t mean that it is not huge everywhere.
Personally, I don’t want a single one of the features you listed in Yii core.
I moved from Cake to Yii because I felt that Cake was becoming slightly too bloated.
I don’t like that a framework makes too many assumptions…
Fair enough. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
I have a feeling that you will be much happier if you chose Laravel, at least for the moment…
Personally I like a lot of things about Yii and won’t be giving up on it anytime soon. But there are times when I’m coding in Yii and think “this would have been so much easier to do in Laravel…”.
I would not say Laravel is bloated either. The features are there to be used only if you want to use them - doesn’t mean they are all being loaded regardless.
Please don’t take offence to my criticism - I am only making these points because I care about the future of Yii. I want Yii to be the best framework out there, but my opinion is that Laravel is setting the standards at the moment and Yii is falling behind.
Not saying that it wouldn’t be great to have some of the great features that Laravel has in Yii
That Laravel has Blade is in my opinion a limit that Yii doesn’t have. I use a templating engine that combines the best of Pug and PHP. It’s called Phug. It is blowing everything out of the water, even Blade
I am able to use that very easily because I don’t have to work around assumptions, etc.