AjaxValidation problem

Again I have problem with ajaxValidation. Everything was OK, and now my firebug shows this message:

$("#register-form").yiiactiveform is not a function

Any ideas?

Seems that jquery.yiiactiveform.js or even jQuery is not included… check the page source…

I put alert in jquery.yiiactiveform.js


 /* @since 1.1.1



;(function($) {


	 * yiiactiveform set function.


and shows me this alert :(

But have you checked the page source… is jQuery included?

Maybe it’s included more than once like in this thread - http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11300-captcha-widget-get-a-new-code-not-working/

Before You posted I delete my JQuery Include and everything now OK:) I have another question, but in new POST

Thanks mdomba - Sometimes I must to ask a question to solve a problem :)