Ajaxbutton Not Working


I have a problem with ajaxButton but before I explains it here is what am doing: I click ajaxButton and it opens the CJuiDialog. The dialog have list of users to invite. Each user have his own button named invite that is supposed to send user info on controller. The first part works fine and opens dialog. The buttons in dialog does not work! I have checked with firebug they don’t even send ajax calls to controller. Though my code is using Yii Bootstrap, It does not work with normal ajaxButton (I have tested it). Help is appreciated!

Code to open dialog (the button):



                            'label'=>'Invite Buddies', 










                                        if (data.status == 'failure')


                                            $('#invite-dialog div.divForForm').html(data.div);

                                                  // Here is the trick: on submit-> once again this function!

                                            //$('#invite-dialog div.divForForm').submit(addTalk);




                                            $('#invite-dialog div.divForForm').html(data.div);

                                            setTimeout(\"$('#invite-dialog').dialog('close') \",3000);



                                    } ",




code that loads users







the _inviteFriends.php


echo '<table>';

    echo '<tr><td>'.$data->first_name.' '.$data->last_name.'</td> ';


    echo '<td>';



            'label'=>'Invite ', 







                'data'=> "js:{user:$data->user_id, table:'1'}",



                        if (data.status == 'failure')


                            $('#invite-dialog div.divForForm').html(data.div);

                                  // Here is the trick: on submit-> once again this function!

                            //$('#invite-dialog div.divForForm').submit(addTalk);




                            $('#invite-dialog div.divForForm').html(data.div);

                            setTimeout(\"$('#invite-dialog').dialog('close') \",3000);



                    } ",




                'onclick'=>"{alert('Hey I work!');}",



    echo '</td>'; 


    echo ' </tr>'; 

echo '</table>';

Bump! :rolleyes:

You can try with a renderPartial with the fourth parameter to true, it will process the clientScript.

Anyway I don’t advice you to use ajax link in this situation, use a standard link and make the ajax call with a custom script.

By the way, if you were following my wiki about CJuiDialog for create a new model, take a look to this extension too, it can help you.

That is it!

Thank you!