Ajax Updating On A Dynamic Drop Down List

Hello guys hope you are well,

I’ve been doing a small timetable for a school. I am using tabular input for this where inside a HTML table i have distributed my attributes

part of my view is shown below





<div class="row" id="updateClassId">  


        $sql='SELECT c.classId

              FROM schoolclasses c';







         echo $form->dropDownList($model,"[$i]classId", CHtml::listData($command->query(), 'classId', 'classId'), 

                 array('empty'=>'---Select Class---',



         <?php echo $form->error($model,"[$i]classId"); ?>





    echo $form->dropDownList($model,"[$i]subjectName", CHtml::listData(Subjects::model()->findAll(), 'subjectName', 'subjectName'), array('empty'=>'---Select Subject---')); ?>

    <?php echo $form->error($model,'subjectId'); ?>


inside a for loop I iterate until I get 8 classId dropdown lists and subjectName dropdown lists. Once i give all the inputs i have a batch create function which updates all the 8 models to the database.

The problem is i can figure out a way to use AJAX with my dropdown lists. I have done it using two drop downs, with distinct names for each drop down.

In my controller i implemented this for the same scenario with two drop downs,

 public function actionDynamicmake()


    $class_id = $_POST['Classtimetable']['classId']; // IMPORTANT .. this is how you access previously entered data


    $records1 = Subjects::model()->findAll('taughtinClass=:id',


            ':id'=>$class_id ,



            $data1 = CHtml::listData($records1,'subjectName','subjectName');


            foreach($data1 as $value=>$name)


            echo CHtml::tag('option',




Can it be done without changing the logic in my view?

It is possible if i have several dropdowns with different names but then i’ll have to change my batch create function as well.

If there is a possibility please let me know…!

Many thanks!!
