ajax request

im working with a dependent dropdown and im getting stuck where i have to populate the first dropdown with data from the db.

here is my form view where the request works and populates the 2nd dropdown

<?php echo CHtml::dropDownList('BUILDING_ID','', array(1=>'CENTRAL ADMIN',2=>'LIBRAY',3=>'ENG BUILDING'),


			'ajax' => array(

				'type'=>'POST', //request type



				'update'=>'#roomid', //selector to update




				//empty since it will be filled by the other dropdown

			echo CHtml::dropDownList('roomid','', array());	 


form view(2) it doesnt work when i populate the dropdown automatically

<?php echo $form->dropDownList($model,'BUILDINGS_BUILDING_ID',



			'ajax' => array(

				'type'=>'POST', //request type


				'update'=>'#roomid', //selector to update




				//empty since it will be filled by the other dropdown

			echo CHtml::dropDownList('roomid','', array());	 


in the above case the 2nd dropdown does not output anything

controller (i use same for both above cases)

public function actionDynamicrooms()



                  array(':BUILDING_ID'=>(int) $_POST['BUILDING_ID']));



    foreach($data as $value=>$roomname)


        echo CHtml::tag('option',




i could work with the first case but i have a long list of items and i dont think its good code practice

kindly assist.

can you please check with firebug what response you are getting in ajax request. might be you are not getting proper HTML object