ajax post param

hi there,

how to add extra param for ajax post request,

suppose that i have view like this:


foreach($siswax as $n=>$siswa): ?>

  <tr class="<?php echo $n%2?'even':'odd';?>">




    <td><?php echo $siswa->no_absen; ?></td>

    <td width='55%'><?php echo $nama; ?></td>


		$nilai=siswa_nilai_tugas::model()->find('nis=:id and tahun=:thn and semester=:sms and id_mapel=:mapel and tugas_ke=:nil',





	//echo CHtml::textField('nilai['.$siswa->nis.']',$nilai);	


		echo CHtml::textField('nilai['.$siswa->nis.']',$nilai,array('id'=>'nilai'.$siswa->nis,




		   'params'=>array('id_mapel'=>$id_mapel), // is this true ? <---



               )); ?>		


	<div id="nick_result">    </div>




<?php endforeach; ?>



and here is my controller:

	public function actionSimpanNilai()





		foreach ($nilai as $nis=>$nil):

			$sql="update siswa_nilai_tugas set nilai='{$nil}' where 

					nis='{$nis}' and id_mapel='{$id_mapel}' and tugas_ke='{$tugas}'";


			echo $sql;


        //print_r ($nilai);


how to read var $id_mapel from ajax request post?

thanks before

Hey Ahyo… I was wondering if you had been able to resolve this, because i am struggling with the same problem. I know you posted this last year, i hope you still participate in this forum actively. Thank you very much in advance!

In case anybody stumbles into this… its actually quite dumb! Using the ‘data’ option.

<?php echo CHtml::button('button text', array(

	'ajax' => array(

		       'type'=>'POST', //request type



		       'success' => 'js:

		       function(data){ .....  }',


	          'dataType' => 'JSON',

	)); ?>

i just changed ajax request to GET


        //echo CHtml::textField('nilai['.$siswa->nis.']',$nilai);       


                echo CHtml::textField('nilai['.$siswa->nis.']',$nilai,array('id'=>'nilai'.$siswa->nis,




                   // 'params'=>array('id_mapel'=>$id_mapel), // i don't need this



               )); ?>