Ajax Pagination


I'm sorry if this has been asked before, did a search, couldn't find anything.

I want to create a list of users with pagination, but don't want to reload the page for navigating between each page of users. How would I go about creating an ajax pagination system?

Would I need to load a partially rendered page into the contain page that contains the pagination links and list, and write the JQuery to reload the page via ajax when a pagination link is clicked by the user.



Yes, you need to attach some jquery code to the pagination links so that clicking them may trigger an ajax request whose response is used to replace the specified content block.

Thanks, shouldn’t be a problem :)

I am having a secondary issue with AR relations.

I am gettting a Invalid argument supplied for foreach() when applying my relation

ER Diagram



user_id ------------

user_name          |

....               |

                   | member_id FK to user_id PK

GroupMember        |

------------       |

member_id >---------


The tables are set up as InnoDB and have the foreign key relationships declared.

GroupMembers model


public function relations() {

	return array(

		'member' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'member_id'),




Now I try to find all members of a group relating to their user account, e.g

$memberList = GroupMembers::model() -> with('member') -> findAll();

I get a Invalid argument supplied for foreach() internal server error. Which is weird as I am not even parsing the result into a foreach loop yet.

I am a little clueless as to what I'm doing wrong, as far as I can tell I have followed the documentation correctly and even tried to replicate the blog demo code with no success.


Does the table have primary key? What is the detailed error info?

The user table has a primary key, and GroupMember table does not, as you can have many groups and many users, it's just a link table holding foreign keys, assigning users to groups.

Here is the debug:

PHP Error


Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

Source File


00495:     {

00496:         // determine the primary key value

00497:         if(is_string($this->_pkAlias))  // single key

00498:         {

00499:             if(!isset($row[$this->_pkAlias]))    // no matching related objects

00500:                 return null;

00501:             else

00502:                 $pk=$row[$this->_pkAlias];

00503:         }

00504:         else // is_array, composite key

00505:         {

00506:             $pk=array();

00507: foreach($this->_pkAlias as $name=>$alias)

00508:             {

00509:                 if(!isset($row[$alias]))    // no matching related objects

00510:                     return null;

00511:                 else

00512:                     $pk[$name]=$row[$alias];

00513:             }

00514:             $pk=serialize($pk);

00515:         }


00517:         // retrieve or populate the record according to the primary key value

00518:         if(isset($this->records[$pk]))

00519:             $record=$this->records[$pk];

Stack Trace

#0 /home/sites/chris-reeves.com/public_html/yiiBase/framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php(485): CJoinElement->populateRecord()

#1 /home/sites/chris-reeves.com/public_html/yiiBase/framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php(333): CJoinElement->runQuery()

#2 /home/sites/chris-reeves.com/public_html/yiiBase/framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php(93): CJoinElement->find()

#3 /home/sites/chris-reeves.com/public_html/yiiBase/protected/controllers/actions/admin/AjaxMemberListAction.php(11): CActiveFinder->findAll()

#4 /home/sites/chris-reeves.com/public_html/yiiBase/framework/web/CController.php(265): AjaxMemberListAction->run()

#5 /home/sites/chris-reeves.com/public_html/yiiBase/framework/web/CController.php(243): AdminController->runAction()

#6 /home/sites/chris-reeves.com/public_html/yiiBase/framework/web/CController.php(225): AdminController->runActionWithFilters()

#7 /home/sites/chris-reeves.com/public_html/yiiBase/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(335): AdminController->run()

#8 /home/sites/chris-reeves.com/public_html/yiiBase/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(123): CWebApplication->runController()

#9 /home/sites/chris-reeves.com/public_html/yiiBase/framework/base/CApplication.php(170): CWebApplication->processRequest()

#10 /home/sites/chris-reeves.com/public_html/yiiBase/index.php(29): CWebApplication->run()

It needs to. A PK is used to uniquely identify a row in a table. You can have composite PK in your case which consists of user id and group id.

Ah, I see, that you :)