Ajax Error On Dropdownlist


I have a dropdownlist and dependant of the value selected I would like to update some value.

For starting I have this in my view :

<?php echo CHtml::dropDownList($employee, '', $employeelist, 


						'ajax' => array(







<div id="test"></div>

In my controller :

public function actionDynamicledgers()


	echo 'test';


I get my dropdownlist but when selecting an item I get this error on the console :

Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #

I can’t see where this comes from - Could somebody help me ?

where is your $employeelist also paste the full stack dump/error

These is all what I found on the console :

Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: # jquery.js:4680

Sizzle.error jquery.js:4680

tokenize jquery.js:4741

select jquery.js:5113

select jquery.js:5289

Sizzle jquery.js:3937

jQuery.event.dispatch jquery.js:3024

elemData.handle.eventHandle jquery.js:2676

And the employeelist comes from the main controller action

	public function actionEditAbsence()




		$employees = Employee::model()->findAll('enabled=true');  

		if (!$employees) {

			Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', Yii::t('app','app.error.noemployee'));




		$employeelist = CHtml::listData($employees, 'id', 'fullname');



		if(isset($_POST['save'])) {









There is no other error except the one on the console (nothing in logs)