Ajax and Request object


i get the following php exception

"PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function getScriptFile() on a non-object in D:\daten\projekte\html\fbs\html\framework\web\CThemeManager.php on line 95"

if i have enableCookieValidation turned on in my config and do some ajax… The request object in the application object (Yii::app()) is not set in that case.

Is that a bug or wrong usage?



Do you have an example to reproduce this issue?


thanks for the reply. I think i had a bug because of the dataType and contentType definition within the ajaxSubmitButton.

I go on and see if that was the bug. Sorry again and thanks for your time…

<?= CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton("SEND", $this->createUrl('test/reject'), array(

	&#039;dataType&#039; =&gt; &#039;json&#039;,

	&#039;contentType&#039; =&gt; &#039;application/json; charset=utf-8&#039;,