After appending primary key to a field, get new field value in same model object

I am doing this to append the auto-increment primary key, field id to another field in my model

//in the model class

 class SomeModel extends CActiveRecord{


  protected function afterSave(){


     $this->updateByPk($this->id, array('append_field'=>$this->append_field.$this->id));



My controller’s action actionCreate looks something like this:

public function actionCreate(){

     $model= new SomeModel;





           // so the append_field doesn't have the appended id, although in the db it is correctly appended because of the afterSave() function

           // but the following works







So basically what i want to know is that if it is possible for the old model object to have the updated model object without loading the model again. Maybe there is something that i can do/change in the save process, so that the model has the newly appended field as expected.

I know that i can do the following:


but i am just curious if there is anything else that yii’s activerecord saving process has, that i can exploit.

Also i would be glad if anyone can point out if i’m overriding the afterSave() method correctly, i mean am i calling the parent afterSave() correctly, in the correct order etc?

Ah, classic case of thinking too complicated, and being absent minded.

just did this:

//in the model class

 class SomeModel extends CActiveRecord{


  protected function afterSave(){




        $this->updateByPk($this->id, array('append_field'=>$this->append_field));




I would still like feedback on if this function correctly calls parent, my doubt is if i should call parent after my custom code, or before? I thought since the event is raised in parent, it should be called before custom code.