a basic site w/ two different jQuery gallery plugins used.
CSS still needs some final tweaks;
Contact Form to be setup
any suggestions or help w/ CSS is appreciated and Thanks in Advance!
a basic site w/ two different jQuery gallery plugins used.
CSS still needs some final tweaks;
Contact Form to be setup
any suggestions or help w/ CSS is appreciated and Thanks in Advance!
how, why, and where was yii used on this website?
how = consult the docs
where = Yii is driving all the web pages.
why = It was used with the idea of adding features easily in the future.
The greatest benefit to this site, from Yii, was the ability to incorporate jQuery and provide a consistent look and feel across all the pages.
It's a simple site. It's my first site w/ Yii. And it's one that took minutes to put up. More time was spent to tweak the CSS than anything else.
I’ve been doing more complex work involving DB’s. In all my testing of frameworks (mainly CodeIgniter, Kohana & Yii) Yii was at the top - not only in performance, but documentation as well. I hope to post my experiences on Yii soon.
As I also have been using CodeIgniter and Yii, I found your opinion very interesting. Anyway, I am looking forward to your experience of building real-world application.
nice work