Advanced Relation With Activerecord



Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong ?

I have this code where i get result like this:

Problem is that I want to get code what will look like this.

Where should i put this $agentId so that it will return correct record. not first from table kv_value


0 => app\models\KvTable#1


    [relatedKvKeys] => null

    [fields] => null

    [yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:_attributes] => [

        'id' => 1

        'project_id' => 9

        'name' => 'test'

        'created_at' => '2014-05-31'

        'updated_at' => '2014-05-31'


    [yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:_oldAttributes] => [

        'id' => 1

        'project_id' => 9

        'name' => 'test'

        'created_at' => '2014-05-31'

        'updated_at' => '2014-05-31'


0 => app\models\KvKey#2


                [yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:_attributes] => [

                    'id' => 1

                    'table_id' => 1

                    'name' => '111111111111111'

                    'type' => 'date'

                    'created_at' => '2014-05-31'

                    'updated_at' => '2014-05-31'


                [yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:_oldAttributes] => [

                    'id' => 1

                    'table_id' => 1

                    'name' => '111111111111111'

                    'type' => 'date'

                    'created_at' => '2014-05-31'

                    'updated_at' => '2014-05-31'


                [yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:_related] => [

[b] ‘kvValue’ => app\models\KvValue#3


                        [yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:_attributes] => [

                            'id' => null

                            [color="#FF0000"]'agent_id' => 1[/color]

                            'key_id' => 1

                            'value' => 'test'

                            'created_at' => '2014-06-02'

                            'updated_at' => '2014-06-02'


                        [yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:_oldAttributes] => [

                            'id' => null

                            'agent_id' => 1

                            'key_id' => 1

                            'value' => 'test'

                            'created_at' => '2014-06-02'

                            'updated_at' => '2014-06-02'


                        [yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:_related] => []

                        [yii\base\Model:_errors] => null

                        [yii\base\Model:_validators] => null

                        [yii\base\Model:_scenario] => 'default'

                        [yii\base\Component:_events] => []

                        [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => []




$agentId = 2;

    $tables = KvTable::find()

        ->leftJoin('kv_key', ['' => 'kv_key.table_id'])

        ->leftJoin('kv_value', ['kv_value.key_id' => '', 'kv_value.agent_id' => $agentId])

        ->with(['kvKeys', 'kvKeys.kvValue'])

        ->where(['kv_table.project_id' => 9])


$this->agentId = 2;

$tables = KvTable::find()

        ->with(['kvKeys', 'kvKeys.kvValue' => function($q) {

                    $q->where(['kv_value.agent_id' => $this->agentId]);


