Adding Properties To A Model With A Behavior?

I have two models similar to the following:

class Job extends CActiveRecord


    public $languages;

    public $workAreas;

    public $professions;

    public $qualifications;

    public function afterSave()


        if ($this->scenario == 'saveItems') $this->saveItems();


    public function saveItems()


    //code to process and save the above properties



class User extends CActiveRecord


    public $languages;

    public $workAreas;

    public $professions;

    public $qualifications;

    public function afterSave()


        if ($this->scenario == 'saveItems') $this->saveItems();


    public function saveItems()


    //code to process and save the above properties



None of the properties are database fields, they are all processed into something else in the saveItems() field. I update the properties via a form, so they are all designated as ‘safe’ in the rules array

This violates DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), so I’d like to move this functionality into a behavior. What’s the best way for me to move the public properties into the behaviour?. I’ve thought of using getLanguages(), setLanguages() etc, but that seems a long way round, given than I have about 20 properties in total.

Any suggestions?