Adding Between And Null Condition To Compare Method Of Cdbcriteria

I just wanted to add between and null condition to filter data in all gridviews across entire app and as it was a simple alteration of compare method of CDbCriteria I enjoy to share it with others

class RmDbCriteria extends CDbCriteria


    public function compare($column, $value, $partialMatch=false, $operator='AND', $escape=true, $nullSign='null', $betweenSign='-')





				return $this;

			return $this->addInCondition($column,$value,$operator);













			return $this;





                            $this->addCondition($column.' is null');

                           return $this;



				return $this->addSearchCondition($column,$value,$escape,$operator);


				return $this->addSearchCondition($column,$value,$escape,$operator,'NOT LIKE');



		else if($op==='')






            return $this;




        if($value==$nullSign && $nullSign!='0')


            $this->addCondition($column.' is null');

            return $this;










		return $this;




with this in place you can filter between two values in gridview by "-" (or your desired charachter)

eg: 5-10 means >=5 and <=10

you can filter null values as well

and if you set nullSign as zero it treats null as zero

Dear Reza m

Excellant stuff. Keep doing it.

In the previous thread related to displaying null values, you have given a nice solution.

I think you have extended it further in this post.

I was trying to equate null values to ‘0’.

For example, if some one searches like <1 or <10, it should both include 0 and null values as well.

I miserably failed in that attempt.

Have you got any idea in solving this.


I edited it so now it does the job if you set $nullSign as zero



Dear Reza M

Many many thanx.

I tested the code in my localhost. I am facing following problems.

1.the operator "<" with value 0 brings null values.

2.the opertor ">=" is not bringing null values.

3.Once selected null values persists. I could not eliminate them by filtering actions in other columns.

4.’>-10’ ,is not bringing the null values.

  1. "<-10" is bringing the null values.

Anyway It is great work.

I hope you will come up with perfect solution!

Meanwhile I findout a workaround for this problem with native CDbCriteria.

I have a column weight with lot of missing values after joining two tables.(patient,anthropometry)

Following is the code in my search method in model.

public function search()



		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

		$criteria->select='*, IFNULL(weight,0) AS weight ';

                $criteria->join="LEFT JOIN anthropometry ON";








                return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(



			    'asc'=>'IFNULL(weight,0) ASC',

			    'desc'=>'IFNULL(weight,0) DESC',





Now all the undefined fields are filled with "0".

They exactly behave as "0" in filtering and as well as sorting.

Many Regards.

Your solution is complete and thanks to you, I changed this part of code and I think it works now



