Activerecord - Where Relatedtable.column 1 = Condition

I have the following tables in my mysql database:

category (id,name, url)

recipe_categories (category_id, recipe_id)

recipes (id, name, description)

The SQL statement I want to realize looks like that:

SELECT * FROM recipes r 

INNER JOIN recipe_categories cr ON cr.recipe_id =

INNER JOIN category c ON = cr.category_id

WHERE c.url = ""

The two models:


class RecipeCategoryModel extends CActiveRecord


    public static function model($className=__CLASS__)


        return parent::model($className);


    public function tableName()


        return 'recipe_categories';


    public function relations()


        return array(

            'recipes'   => array(self::MANY_MANY ,      'RecipeModel',      'recipe_has_categories(recipe_category_id,recipe_id)'),



    public function getActive() {

        return RecipeCategoryModel::model()->with(array(


                'joinType'=>'INNER JOIN',







class RecipeModel extends CActiveRecord


    public static function model($className=__CLASS__)


        return parent::model($className);


    public function tableName()


        return 'recipes';


    public function relations()


        return array(

            'categories'    => array(self::MANY_MANY ,      'RecipeCategoryModel',      'recipe_has_categories(recipe_id,recipe_category_id)'),



    public function getMainImage() {




The problem is the WHERE-clausel. How can I realize this with ActiveRecord (with(), CDbCriteria,…)?

I fink you can just specify a condition to retrieve the specific RecipeModel objects like:



Thank you!