
I have a problem filling a array from a query for a activeDropDownList

I used the code


        $sql='select cmp_id,cmp_name from companies order by cmp_name ';




        return $rows;


echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($model,'usr_type',$type); 

As $type is the $rows but the drop down does not fill as expected.

What is wrong.

You have to use CHtml::listData() before forwarding all your rows.

[Edit] I solved it.

so I write

    public function  returnCompanies() {


        $sql='select cmp_id,cmp_name from companies order by cmp_name ';



        return $rows;



  $cmps=CHtml::listData(companies::model()->returnCompanies(),'cmp_id','cmp_name') ;

But ther is no difference.

The print_r is