ActiveDataProvider not working with a "where"


I’m blocking on a problem and would like to have your advises:

I try to display a grid for each user only with its own Orders.

When I do the following everything work fine:

        $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

                'query' => OrderOperation::find(),


                'pagination' => [

                    'pageSize' => 5,



But when I’m trying to prefilter the dataprovider with only the orders of the users, it’s not working and get the following error : The “query” property must be an instance of a class that implements the QueryInterface e.g. yii\db\Query or its subclasses.

        $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

                'query' => orderOperation::find()

                    ->where(['user_id' => $userID])




                'pagination' => [

                    'pageSize' => 5,



What Am I doing wrong ?


query params of ActiveDataProvider config is an ActiveQuery, instead you are passing items array.

You have to change


                    ->where(['user_id' => $userID])





                    ->where(['user_id' => $userID])


So your $dataProvider becomes:

        $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

                'query' => orderOperation::find()

                    ->where(['user_id' => $userID])



                'pagination' => [

                    'pageSize' => 5,



Thanks a lot Fabrizio, you save my day :)