is it possible to automatically generate the model files for a given DB Schema?
This would be great
My second question:
What is the best was to get autocompletion on Models(properties) with my IDE(phpStorm)?
Thanks for your help,
is it possible to automatically generate the model files for a given DB Schema?
This would be great
My second question:
What is the best was to get autocompletion on Models(properties) with my IDE(phpStorm)?
Thanks for your help,
Yes. The tool is called Gii. Here’s the guide: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-gii.html
When it generates models it add metadata to models that helps you to get autocomplete in IDEs.
Thanks. Great tool, but it has two big drawbacks
1.) It is not possible to build the models files for the whole db at once. Doinig it for each table is not so great(with 100+ tables)
2.) As we are developing our database the generator will overwrite out changes to the model files when we rebuild the model files after changes to the db
In my opinion the generator should build two files: a base files and a file where we can implement our logic…
Like this:(For a user table):
UserBase.php (Here we only have the generator logic, so this file can be created on each model build run).
User.php (extents UserBase.php) (Here the developer can implements it’s logic and it won’t be affected by a new model files build run).
Perhaps you can think about this two points
Try *.
You can generate models prefixed with "Base" and then inherit from these. It has drawbacks though.
I found this extension:
Will it work with yii2?
No. It is for 1.1.
Where can I find some Documentation to build my own GII Extension?
Great, thank for the Link…
I build my own generator, that does exactly what I need:
1.) Split the Classes in two files: (one generated base class and one implementation file, that is only created, but never changed)
2.) Gives me an option to singularize my class names, so I automatically get the Classname "User" from my table "users"…
3.) change the getter function name for relations: if it is hasOne, the name is singular and if it is hasMany it is plural like this: hasOne: getUser()… hasMany: getUsers()
This works great for generating classes for the complete DB in one run