actionView not working for strings

I have a UserController in which i have the below actionView and LoadModel methods.

I have a user table which has username as the primarykey.

The actionView method is working fine only if the username is a number. If the username is a string like ‘abc’

the i am getting the message The system is unable to find the requested action "abc".

However i am able to access the model using the below URL


but not with


Can anyone help me with this

        public function actionView($id)






	public function loadModel($id)





			throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested page does not exist.');

		return $model;


You should review your urlManager’s rules.

They might be something like this, if you are using the default rules provided by Yii.









"<id:\d+>" says that "id" should be numerical. So when you provide a non-numerical "id", it will not be treated correctly by this set of rules.

But you will not be able to solve the problem by simply changing “<id:\d+>” to “<id:\w+>”. If you would do so, then all the urls with the pattern of “<\w+>/<\w+>” will be routed to “<controller>/view”. … I don’t have a quick solution right now.

Anyway, you would want to check the guide. URL Management

And welcome to the forum! Have fun! :)

Esta es la solucion a este problema:

en el config/main.php cambia algunos parametros, algunos d+ por w+ y unos w+ por unos d+. y que quede de esta manera a mi me funciono. debe quedar asi.











apologizes for not writing

Hi phani,

You can do the following in the URLmanager,








where even if you have any characters in the id you will be redirected to view of mycontroller

Note: As Softark said if you directly change \d+ to \w+ , it would redirect in case of any controllers which is true and not a good idea. But here we are allowing this in case of only one controller named mycontroller.

So I hope we are safe. :)