action providing widget

Tried to do this:

But it don’t work.

for example I have the route: /site/test.rr.html

I add in actions in SiteController


And than in my UsersOnline widget

I added

public static function actions(){

            return array(





	public function someName(){ echo 'test';}

Why it don’t works?

Maybe some route issue?

THe only route I have is :


All the idea behind it - I created a widget that calc how much users online, and saves data about them…

I want it to have some page where I will show all users online in table

I can create for it separate action… but it would be little bit ugly…


Little update:

When I use strict parsing, it don’t work at all, when I dont use strict parsing I get 500

2011/09/27 00:04:25 [error] [php] include(someName.php) [<a href=‘function.include’>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream:

I gave up, can’t get it to work like in the wiki :(

Please show the complete source, so it’s easier to see the problem :)

You have the complete source actually…

Site controller with:

	public function actions()


		return array(




And a widget in components


class Test extends CWidget{

	public static function actions(){

            return array(




        public function someName(){ echo 'test';}

	public function run()





trying to access test.rr

Check this thread for more info -

mdomba they are talking about creating CAction… but I want like this one described here

Jut want to create some function inside the widget like "foo"

route to it, and access it like controllers action.

I understand what you would like… but this is not working as explained in the thread I gave you… ;)

Above that read the last sentence on the comment you posted… it say:

It does not say that this worked for him.