action from datepicker


please someone can help me,

At first, my CGridview is hidden, once i click "OK", i want to show it

how can i do that??

thank you

How do you hide the CGridView? You can use JQuery to show/hide it.

echo CHtml::Button('OK', array('onclick'=>"$('#utilisateur-grid').show()"));

thanks for your reply but i didn’t get it? how can i hide it in the begining, then ounce i ckick ok the CGridview will be shown

You can add:

Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('hide-grid', "

$(document).ready(function() {




echo CHtml::Button('OK', array('onclick'=>"$('#utilisateur-grid').show()"));

Or if you want it to behave like on/off button:

echo CHtml::Button('OK', array('onclick'=>"$('#utilisateur-grid').toggle()"));

That’s it :). Hope this will help you? :unsure:

it works, thank you very much :)