Accessing One Action by Multiple AjaxSubmitButtons

I have a form and consists of 5 submit buttons (save,add,delete,radiobutton,etc) for all that I wanna make to


and access through ajax.

As I have


shown below

echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton(

					'Save', //the label

					CController::createUrl('healthInformation/saveData'), //the url = index if empty (or set to another controllerAction)

					array('update'=>'#healthData',),  // the ajax-options: display the response inside this div

					array('class'=>'adm-myButton','title'=>'Save','name'=>'save') //your htmlOptions


echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton(

					'add', //the label

 					CController::createUrl('healthInformation/saveData'),  //the url = index if empty (or set to another controllerAction)

					array('update'=>'#healthData',),  // the ajax-options: display the response inside this div

					array('class'=>'adm-myButton','title'=>'Save','name'=>'add') //your htmlOptions


echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton(

					'delete', //the label

 					CController::createUrl('healthInformation/saveData'),  //the url = index if empty (or set to another controllerAction)

					array('update'=>'#healthData',),  // the ajax-options: display the response inside this div

					array('class'=>'adm-myButton','title'=>'Save','name'=>'delete') //your htmlOptions


and my question is that can i access


by all above


using their name as below

public function actionSaveData()













Is it possible or else have to use different actions for all


, please any suggestions will be appreciated

You could add data in the ajax option and submit an button name.

Like ‘data’=>“button:add”

And you can check this in actionSaveData like you almost got right now.

Not tested, but this should be possible:

echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton(

                                        'add', //the label

                                        CController::createUrl('healthInformation/saveData'),  //the url = index if empty (or set to another controllerAction)

                                        array('update'=>'#healthData','data'=>"button:add"),  // the ajax-options: display the response inside this div

                                        array('class'=>'adm-myButton','title'=>'Save','name'=>'add') //your htmlOptions


public function actionSaveData()


   if(isset($_POST['button']) && $_POST['button'] == 'add')



   if(isset($_POST['button']) && $_POST['button'] == 'delete')



   if(isset($_POST['button']) && $_POST['button'] == 'save')





thank you sir , for understanding my problem and for reply too…I will try , if any query I will ask you

Sir , how can I pass the data through ajaxsubmitbutton …could you please help me