I have a form and consists of 5 submit buttons (save,add,delete,radiobutton,etc) for all that I wanna make to
and access through ajax.
As I have
shown below
echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton(
'Save', //the label
CController::createUrl('healthInformation/saveData'), //the url = index if empty (or set to another controllerAction)
array('update'=>'#healthData',), // the ajax-options: display the response inside this div
array('class'=>'adm-myButton','title'=>'Save','name'=>'save') //your htmlOptions
echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton(
'add', //the label
CController::createUrl('healthInformation/saveData'), //the url = index if empty (or set to another controllerAction)
array('update'=>'#healthData',), // the ajax-options: display the response inside this div
array('class'=>'adm-myButton','title'=>'Save','name'=>'add') //your htmlOptions
echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton(
'delete', //the label
CController::createUrl('healthInformation/saveData'), //the url = index if empty (or set to another controllerAction)
array('update'=>'#healthData',), // the ajax-options: display the response inside this div
array('class'=>'adm-myButton','title'=>'Save','name'=>'delete') //your htmlOptions
and my question is that can i access
by all above
using their name as below
public function actionSaveData()
Is it possible or else have to use different actions for all
You could add data in the ajax option and submit an button name.
Like ‘data’=>“button:add”
And you can check this in actionSaveData like you almost got right now.
Not tested, but this should be possible:
echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton(
'add', //the label
CController::createUrl('healthInformation/saveData'), //the url = index if empty (or set to another controllerAction)
array('update'=>'#healthData','data'=>"button:add"), // the ajax-options: display the response inside this div
array('class'=>'adm-myButton','title'=>'Save','name'=>'add') //your htmlOptions