Accessing model validators and attributes via it's behavior

I’d like to implement some SluggableBehavior functionality, so I’ve decided to use behaviors as many times before, but I’ve got some troubles.

When massively assigning attributes in controller, model verifies that they are safe, so my behavior class should add one new field, that can be safely assigned — ‘slug’ in my case.

I’ve implemented it in a veeery ugly way and I definetly don’t think, that this is good solution, but it works:

class SluggableBehavior extends CActiveRecordBehavior {

	public $title;

	private function _extendModel(SluggableModel $model) {

		foreach ($model->getValidators() as $validator) {

			/** @var $validator CValidator */

			if ($validator instanceof CSafeValidator) {

				$validator->attributes[] = 'slug';




	public function afterFind(CEvent $event) {



	public function afterConstruct(CEvent $event) {



    public function beforeValidate(CEvent $event) {

		/** @var $owner SluggableModel */

		$owner = $this->getOwner();

		/** @var $existing SluggableModel */

        $existing = $owner->model()->findByAttributes(array(

			'slug' => $owner->slug,


		if ($existing !== null && $existing->id != $owner->id) {

			$owner->addError('slug', 'This field should be unique (now assigned to «' . $existing->{$this->title} . '», ID=' . $existing->id . ').');


		return true;



Why you think that is better then default behavior?

What do you mean when saying «default behavior»? Is there any default sluggable behavior?

Yii dont have SluggableBehavior but someday someone asked me that question , so i wont see how that question sounds hahahahaha :D :lol: :P LOL

Do you have any real advices, or just offtop?

There is a CUniqueValidator, you can add this validator to the field slug and avoid the beforeValidate

Thanks, but this is not the main objective. How should I add this validator to the model from the behavior? I didn’t find any

$this->owner->addValidator(new CUniqueValidator(…));

or anything similar… If you take a look at my code, you will see the following (definitely this is not a good solution):

private function _extendModel(SluggableModel $model) {

        foreach ($model->getValidators() as $validator) {

                /** @var $validator CValidator */

                if ($validator instanceof CSafeValidator) {

                        $validator->attributes[] = 'slug';




Is it legitimate to use

array_push($this->owner->validators, new CUniqueValidator(…));

If it works, is legal…

I know that validators is a read-only property, and is not fair to add values, but if it works and it is so simple, why not?

Anyway you are already touching the validators, so don’t be ashamed of add a new validator.

It’s a bit unfair to use it this way:) even more so if it’s really just for reading. This is cheating, and there is no guarantee that after the upcoming update of this will not break. Thus, if there is a good solution, I’d better use it.

Всё валидно, что в браузере видно ;)

I don’t know how to do it better, I don’t like very much behavior, I prefer to prepare masterClass, this makes all very easier.

I agree, but I can attach multiple behaviours to a single model. Multiple inheritance is not implemented in PHP, so it can’t be done using just pure OOP way.

I plan to implement TaggableBehavior also, which will add relations to Tags to the model it’s attaching to. Basic usage will be via the MultiAutoComplete field in view, through which tags will be passed to model, so it will need validation too.

I’ve found a cleaner way:

class SluggableBehavior extends CActiveRecordBehavior {

	public function attach($owner) {


		if (!($owner instanceof CActiveRecord)) throw new Exception('Owner must be a CActiveRecord class');

		/** @var $owner CActiveRecord */

		$validators = $owner->getValidatorList();

		$validators->add(CValidator::createValidator('unique', $owner, 'slug', array(

			'allowEmpty' => false,

			'caseSensitive' => false,


		$validators->add(CValidator::createValidator('safe', $owner, 'slug', array()));



getValidatorList() returns extendable CList of validators, so I’m free to add there anything. attach() is the replacement for both afterFind() and afterConstruct().

Now I’m much more satisfied :).

Nice find… I like this idea… congrats…

Nice! Would you care to MIT-license your code? :)