Accesscontrol: Users And Roles


I have a yii application with the following setup:

  • RBAC system via CDbAuthManager, no extensions.

  • Three roles defined and assigned in DB: superadmin, admin, authenticated.

  • Administration module.

Inside the admin module, I have a an example controller called VenueController, with CRUD functionality for –tada!– Venues. This controller has an AJAX action defined, actionUploadImage so image uploading does not need a page refresh.

In order to have it working, I had to set this action available for all application users, including non logged-in users. So, my accessRules function looks like this:

                return array(













Right now, when I try to upload an image or access directly to /admin/club/uploadImage, I am getting redirected to login page. If I comment the last block from accessRules array (the one denying all actions) I can access to the action.

Any idea of what is going wrong? Can I mix roles and users inside accessRules like I’m doing?