Hi! I am looking some guidance or help in a issue than I am having…
I have a Yii 1 project where have auth implemented and in one of the controllers, called TestController I have the following
class TestController extends CController
public function filters()
return array(
public function accessRules()
return array(
public function actionTest()
echo "OKi";
test function only sleep for 5 sec.
When I execute X requests in parallel to this action, I am getting a rare behaviour, where each request waits for the previous one to proceed,
almost as if they were not running in parallel.
So if I execute 3 requests in parallel, the execution takes 15 seconds to end.
But if I comment the “accessControl” filter works fine.
I understand that this type of behavior is when one has a session lock problem.
Could be the problem? Or I’m missing something else?
Thanks in advance
Edit: I test same example using the hello world demo project and I get the same result