Access Rules not working


Here is my behaviors method …

public function behaviors() {


			return [


				"access" => [


					"class" => AccessControl::className(),

					"only" => ["create"],

					"rules" => [




							"allow" => true,

							"controllers" => ["user"],

							"actions" => ["create"],

							"roles" => ["*"]











Other actions work fine with no problems. But when I click on a "create" action I get the following error …

Call to a member function checkAccess() on a non-object

Ahh, it is OK. It was because controller and action IDs are case sensitive. Needed to start with capital letter.

Ok, it is not working as a expected.

Could someone show me an example of how to ban users from everything except the project/create action please?


Anyone know how to do this?

My guess would it be one deny rule followed by an allow rule for the create action.

But I cannot get it working, so if someone can show me an example of how it would work please do so.

Hi James,

try to use this module, it’s great module for Access Rules

I use this, With a matchCallback I check if the actual user has view, create, update or delete rights, it’s my own implementation of an RBAC system.

    public function behaviors()


        return [

            'access' => [

                'class' => \yii\filters\AccessControl::classname(),

                'only' => ['index', 'view', 'create', 'update', 'delete'],

                'rules' => [


                        'actions' => ['index', 'view'],

                        'allow' => true,

                        'roles' => ['@'],

                        'matchCallback' => function($rule, $action){

                            return PermissionHelpers::userAccess('UMS', 'V');




                        'actions' => ['update'],

                        'allow' => true,

                        'roles' => ['@'],

                        'matchCallback' => function($rule, $action){

                            return PermissionHelpers::userAccess('UMS', 'U');




                        'actions' => ['create'],

                        'allow' => true,

                        'roles' => ['@'],

                        'matchCallback' => function($rule, $action){

                            return PermissionHelpers::userAccess('UMS', 'C');




                        'actions' => ['delete'],

                        'allow' => true,

                        'roles' => ['@'],

                        'matchCallback' => function($rule, $action){

                            return PermissionHelpers::userAccess('UMS', 'D');





                        'actions' => ['index', 'view', 'create', 'update', 'delete'],

                        'allow' => true,

                        'roles' => ['@']





            'verbs' => [

                'class' => VerbFilter::className(),

                'actions' => [

                    'delete' => ['post'],






That is what I was looking for.

Is permission filter your own class you have made?

I was going to use the DB RBAC but for the app I am making currently it is a bit overkill.


Your original rules only apply to the create action.

Remove ""only" => ["create"]," and then add something like

'rules' => [


		'allow'   => true,

		'actions' => ['create']



	        'allow' => false,

	        'actions' => [],


Hi flarpy and everyone,

I have got it working now, thanks.

I did not have to use the "allow" => false as it seems it denies access to all methods anyway and you have to only state which are allowed.


PermissionHelpers is a class I coded myself, you can put in the ‘callback’ whatever you want to extend your acces-rule, the userAccess method returns a true when the user has ‘C’ create rights for subsystem, UMS (UserManagementSystem). You can use your own method in the callback.