500 Internal Server Error


Im kind of new to Yii.

My website keyners.pl is build on Yii.

I have one server and few domains parked on it. I just instaled a new Yii app on the server but not the same domain.

So the structure:



—(Yii stuff here)



—(Yii stuff here)

From the time that I have transfered new Yii app on kubslub.com domain, my Yii-website on keyner.pl stoped working and Im getting 500 Internal server error.

Ive deleted the kupslub.com Yii stuff and I still get the same problem.

I need this to be fixed. Please help!

check log files:

  • application log in protected/runtime

  • webserver logs (/var/logs/apache2 or other depending on your web server software)

I am pretty sure you will find there reason for 500 error.

The error you’re getting is a very very generic error. It could be almost anything causing that. I would say the best way to begin testing this is to make sure that the error is happening in Yii and not before Yii even loads. To do that you can go into you’re web root and find index.php. Open that and right after the <?php tag add this:

die(‘The problem is in Yii.’);

If you load the page now and do not see that message you at least know your problem is before Yii even loads. If you do see that message then you most likely have a problem in your Yii configuration or your code. Do you have a local dev server? If you see that the site loads on your dev server but not on your production server that tells you that the problem is almost certainly related to your configuration not your code so that should narrow it down to one (or two if you count the index page) files. If this is the case then you’d probably have better luck if you actually posted your configuration file (minus your DB connection settings of course).

Thanks For your replay!

On localhost every thing is fine, now problems. I transfer those files to a server and the error appears. It was working before, when the structure of the server was:



—index.php (none yii files)



—(Yii app)

After I transfered a new Yii app into kupslub.com the error accured.

I have no idea what it was. I overwitted files from local (working app) to server and still the same.

Could it be that the server cant handle Two framework folders or Two Yii apps?

  • In runtime there is no errors written.

  • On the local server every thing works just fine, no problems.
