

PHP Junior Software Developer


Your Responsibilities

1: 协助德国总公司计算机部, 共同开发公司管理系统

2: 网上销售系统的开发

3: 协调多部门对公司管理系统的需求

1: Assist IT department at German headquarters, to optimize and develop the mainframe

2: Develop the E-Shop

3: Coordinate the work from other departments


Your Qualifications

1: 计算机编程或软件工程专业本科以上学历

2: 流利的英文听说读写能力

3: 3年以上面向对像编程经

4: 精通计算机硬件,软件系统及软件编程,网络以及系统安全

5: 精通XML, PHP5, MySQL, Javascript, and Suse Linux

6: 能快速鉴别并修正系统故障

1: University degree with a major in computer programming or software engineering.

2: Able to communicate effectively in English and Mandarin

3: Minimum of 3 years experience in OOP

4: Proficient knowledge of computer hardware, software systems & programs, networks, viruses & security

5: Expert knowledge of XML, PHP5, MySQL, Javascript, and Suse Linux

6: Able identify and remedy operating system failures & malfunctions


What we are offering:

1: 根据业绩,提供年底双薪

2: 午餐补贴

3: 根据业绩 ,每年提供工资涨幅

4: 五险一金

5: 提供免费水果, 咖啡, 饮料

6: 德式标准的工作环境

7: 对于优秀员工,提供到德国总公司的培训机会

1: 13 month performance based salary

2: Monthly lunch allowance

3: Annual salary increases each year, performance based

4: Full Insurance and housing fund

5: Extras available, free of charge, fruit and water

6: German style work environment

7: Training program in German office for skilled employees

