2Amigos Is Hiring

Hi all,

2amigOS! Consulting Group LLC is looking for experienced Yii developers and coding enthusiasts to become part of our team.

We are looking for people with the following skills:

  • Yii1

  • Yii2 is a plus and highly desired skill but we can always teach you through it.

  • javascript

  • CSS (SaSS, LeSS is a plus)

  • PHP 5.4+

  • Elastic Search experience is a plus

  • RestFUL experience

  • Strong SQL Skills

  • Good english communication skills

  • Mobile development skills is a plus

  • Highly responsible and proud of the code it writes

We love open source and we love Yii, so we prefer people that are active on the Yii community and have at least a couple Open Source projects on his Github account we can check its code on.

Any guys interested, please come by our site and drop us a line through our contact form or send us an email to hola [at] 2amigos [dot] us
