2 input in one column yii2


I use YII2 grid view to display data. I need just simply to have possibility to filter from to. It is about amount. I have done it with datePiker for filtering date between


							'model'=>  $searchModel,

							'attribute' => 'calldate',


							'readonly' => true,

							'pluginOptions' => [


								'format' => 'yyyy-mm-dd']]).


							'model'=>  $searchModel,


							'attribute' => 'calldate2',


							'readonly' => true,

							'pluginOptions' => [


								'format' => 'yyyy-mm-dd']]),


of course I have definition of this in search model

if(isset($this->calldate) and isset($this->calldate2) and !empty($this->calldate) and !empty($this->calldate2))


            elseif(isset($this->calldate) and !empty($this->calldate))


            elseif(isset($this->calldate2) and  !empty($this->calldate2))


I have the same definition in search model only modified for integer.

Can someone help me to do the same for int value. Just to input filters to have the possibility to search value between this value.