2 download in 1 models?

i am really new in yii2,

i want question, is it possible to have 2 fileinput in 1 models?

i have 2 browse files in views,

this is my code,


namespace app\models;

use Yii;

use yii\base\Model;

use yii\web\UploadedFile;


  • This is the model class for table "rtc".

  • @property integer $id

  • @property string $current_rtc_correction

  • @property integer $new_rtc_correction

  • @property string $calculate_rtc_correction

  • @property string $begin_date

  • @property string $end_date


class FirmwareupdatesForm extends Model


public &#036;fileUpload;

public &#036;tagPackage;

public &#036;fileName;

public &#036;fileLocation = '/var/tmp/';

public &#036;folderName = array();

public &#036;finalLocation;

public &#036;error=&quot; &quot; ;

public function rules()


   return [

            [['fileUpload'], 'safe'],

            [['tagPackage'], 'safe'],



public function upload()


    if( is_null( &#036;this-&gt;fileUpload ) )


        //error if no file chosen

        &#036;this-&gt;error = &quot;Error&quot;;    





        //upload file handle

        &#036;fullpath = &#036;this-&gt;fileLocation. &#036;this-&gt;fileName . '.' . 'installer';



        //directory to find .installer.finish

        &#036;pathToFinishFile = &#036;fullpath.'.finish';


        //execute MD5

        exec(&quot;cd &#036;this-&gt;fileLocation;md5sum &#036;this-&gt;fileName.'installer' &gt; &#036;this-&gt;fileName.'installer'.finish&quot;);    

        //read checkbox value and selected store

        foreach(&#036;this-&gt;folderName as &#036;value)


            &#036;checkFolderExist = '/home/tunnel/'.&#036;value;


            if ( is_dir(&#036;checkFolderExist) == 1 ) 


                //copy file .installer &amp; .installer.finish

                exec(&quot;cp &#036;fullpath /home/tunnel/&#036;value&quot;);

                exec(&quot;cp &#036;pathToFinishFile /home/tunnel/&#036;value&quot;);

                exec(&quot;sudo chown tunnel /home/tunnel/&#036;value&quot;);

                exec(&quot;sudo chgrp tunnel /home/tunnel/&#036;value&quot;);




                //make new folder

                exec(&quot;sudo mkdir /home/tunnel/&#036;value -m 777&quot;);

                //change owner of folder

                exec(&quot;sudo chown tunnel /home/tunnel/&#036;value&quot;);

                exec(&quot;sudo chgrp tunnel /home/tunnel/&#036;value&quot;);

                //copy file .installer &amp; .installer.finish

                exec(&quot;cp &#036;fullpath /home/tunnel/&#036;value&quot;);

                exec(&quot;cp &#036;pathToFinishFile /home/tunnel/&#036;value&quot;);



        //remove temporary file

        exec(&quot;rm &#036;fullpath -f&quot;);

        exec(&quot;rm &#036;pathToFinishFile -f&quot;);

        return true;




        return false;





i want add one more action download,

is it possible?