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how can I disable url manager…

so it give the normal Yii url…

like index.php?r=controller/action… tried with commenting url manager in main.config & removing .htaccess ,

but admin panel not working then…

and I want to disable multilingual… make ‘en’- english as default…

HI Vince,

Thanks for sharing such a great site. I am New to YII. Trying to find some help - and i have found yours. I have NOT faced any difficulty installing it in localhost running with Xampp.

Thank you very much for sharing.

Best Regards,

Hi, can i edit automatically sourcemessage table?

if i change my default language and source language to it…is there some mistake?

I solved with an override of Yii::t() function

hi, how can i reach framework folder from alias?

i’m looking a solution to use gii into your Yiimcs, vince

i solved using a normal instance of yii and manually copying the files!

if i use custom url that match this rule <controller/w+>/<action:/w+>/<string:(\w+[-]+\w+)> the zii.widgets.CMenu and zii.widgets.CBreadcrumbs create a wrong url like this: controller/action/string/lang/en when i expected en/controller/action/string

CMenu and CBreadcrumbs parameter:

‘url’ => array(‘immobilisourcemessage/tbl/condizione-immobile’),


immobilisourcemessage is my controller, tbl is my action and condizione-immobile is my string

Why this???

Please help meeeeeee :blink:

When I try to import the "inserts.sql" file I receive:

INSERT INTO `authitemchild`


'manage_posts', 'add_post'


MySQL meldet: Dokumentation

#1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`yii_cms`.`authitemchild`, CONSTRAINT `authitemchild_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`parent`) REFERENCES `authitem` (`name`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) 

Could someone help me to fix it? :)

thank you for this, but how can i use this on my localhost… can you give me CustomUrlManager for localhost… thank you so much…