There’s no response from the topic creator whether the problem has been solved or not…
Anyway, for the sake of Ubuntu users and wanted to try Yii as their framework, here’s what I’ve done:
Extract your downloaded Yii pack to a web-accessible folder, let’s say the folder’s name YiiFramework.
Open your command line, and go to your web server’s document root, say MyWebroot.
$ cd MyWebroot
- To create your demo folder, type in your command line:
$ YiiFramework/framework/yiic webapp demo
It will ask a confirmation from you if you really want to create a web application under /MyWebroot/demo, so just type in there Yes and hit enter. It will create all the default files and folders for the framework’s web application skeleton .
Go to http://localhost/demo/index.php to verify if the web application has been created.
bash and ./ wont work because yiic is not an ubuntu or even a linux command. As a matter of fact, I was able to run yiic in the command prompt of windows 7! 
I extracted Yii right in my apache’s documentroot. If you placed it (extracted Yii files) inside a folder under your documentroot, you need to change the directory in step #3 to access yiic
There might be a need to change the yiic file’s permission for it to become executable (like chmod +x) if permission denied error appears when executing step #3.
If ever you encounter the error "/usr/bin/env: php: No such file or directory", just install php5-cli
sudo apt-get install php5-cli