Yiic Migrate Down Failes On Default Constraint

When doing first steps with the migration tool, using:

$this->addColumn('JOB','MIGRATIONTEST','integer not null default 0');

on the up



on the down command, it fails on down migration because (using mssql server) it created a default constraint with a random name: DF__JOB__MIGRATIONTE__62C57A02, is there any way to enforce deleting both? Or any other possible solution?

Revert the above migration? (yes|no) [no]:yes

*** reverting m140723_120036_erstelle_news_tabelle

    > drop column MIGRATIONTEST from table JOB ...Exception: CDbCommand failed t

o execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42000]: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Clie

nt 10.0][SQL Server]The object 'DF__JOB__MIGRATIONTE__62C57A02' is dependent on

column 'MIGRATIONTEST'.. The SQL statement executed was: ALTER TABLE [JOB] DROP


*** failed to revert m140723_120036_erstelle_news_tabelle (time: 0.010s)[code] is the error
