Yii2 Widgets Extension

Nice to know that resolved it. You normally would need to handle Jquery plugins carefully on ajax requests.

Star rating plugin is upgraded to NEW RELEASE 2.0. The plugin is vastly enhanced with various features like Fractional Ratings, Slide to select, css3 animations, RTL input and more.

Refer updated plugin documentation and demos.

This is reflected in the yii2-widgets bundle as well.

New Dependent Dropdown widget, DepDrop added. This is a Yii 2 wrapper for the dependent-dropdown jQuery plugin by Krajee. This plugin allows multi level dependent dropdown setup with nested dependencies.

Thanks for the extension. Got this installed flawlessly through composer.

All the widgets are really useful.

Any ideas on adding a file upload feature in addition to fileinput?

Something probably will consider in future - since file upload involves security considerations. There are other upload extensions available for you to try out.

Added support for Dependent Dropdown widget to support and render the [font="Courier New"]\kartik\widgets\Select2[/font] widget. Refer documentation and demos.

The FileInput plugin has been upgraded to v1.5.0 and with this release, it allows you to set an initial preview and caption of files (for update scenarios).

Refer usage demo or plugin docs and plugin demos.

The StarRating plugin has been upgraded to v2.5.0. Enhanced the plugin for cross browser support including support for touch devices and mobile platforms like iOS,Android.

Refer the plugin docs or plugin demo for more details.

I am using file input Attachment_50 in a yii2 project. and i am opening the form in a modal, but the file input sends no data. if i open the form directly without modal i can upload the image. but if i open it in modal the file input is empty.

This is been answered in your other post here.

You need to wrap the form markup and the widget within the modal body. Check a working example of a FileInput widget display within a bootstrap Modal window on the demo site advanced usage section here.

Hi, I’m using the datepicker and it works, the only thing is that I would like to have an empty label to show the text only as placeholder, but I can’t do that.

The datepicker is used within a form and the field needs a custom validator.

This is the code in use to show the widget

echo DatePicker::widget([

    'model' => $model,

    'form' => $form,

    'name' => 'birth_date',

    'id' => 'signupform-birth_date',

    'type' => DatePicker::TYPE_COMPONENT_APPEND,

    'attribute' => 'birth_date',

    'options' => ['placeholder' => Yii::t('user','Birth Date')],

    'pluginOptions' => [


        'format' => 'dd/mm/yyyy'



If I’m not going wrong, I think that in this case the label is generated by the use of ‘attribute’, but I can’t remove it.

Is there any setting to specify an empty label for the field associated to the widget?

Hello kartik,

i am using your color input.it is working fine but i want to know just how to display selected color in html background in grid view and simple view section.please help me with that.


Can I use it outside ActiveForm? I use it like DepDrop::widget to try use it outside an ActiveForm but I get the error “Either ‘name’, or ‘model’ and ‘attribute’ properties must be specified.”. Im NOT using it in a model, I don’t need to. Can I still use this widget?


First, thanks for the excellent Yii2 Typehead extension.

How would I pass extra JS value parameters with each request?


I have tried the following approach, but JSON encoding is happening on the double quotes.

‘dataset’ =>


'remote' => 


    'url' => '/path/to/url?q=%QUERY&state=" + $(\'stateform-name\').val() + "', 

    'wildcard' => '%QUERY', 


 'limit' => 10 
