yii-user with rights

Hello Rodrigo79,

Well, as far as I know, both modules come with an own web user class so you need to change either RWebUser to extend the yii-user’s web user or vice versa. If you need an own web user class you need to extend your application web user from the one extending the other. Please let me know if you don’t understand what I mean.

Chris83, I thought I had the current version but apparently not because that appears to have fixed the issue.

Thank you for the prompt reply! Very nice work on the module.

Thanks Chris. I got it working by extending RWebUser and loading the user model from yii-user. Since yii-user doesn’t use its own web user class, seemed easier that way ;)


Sorry, but I don’t get what is meant here, or how it’s supposed to be done.

I followed the sample for the controller main.php file, but I always get an error at the last lines below



                    // enable cookie-based authentication



                    'loginUrl' => array('/user/login'),


class Controller extends RightsBaseController ‘authManager’=>array(‘class’=>‘RightsAuthManager’), (error alert here in dreamweaver)

even the change on component/controller.php with 'class Controller extends RightsBaseController

’ also gave me an error. :(

any samples around how you guys got it working?

So, turns out it wasn’t resolved by updating to the current version, but I did figure out the problem. I thought I would share for the benefit of the forum.

I had logged in, enabled right, created roles, and assigned people to the roles (including admin). At that time, I hadn’t assigned operations to the roles yet.

Then left and came back the next day (and consequently logged out).

That is where the infinite redirect loop happened. To resolve, I commented out the filters in the primary controller, went into rights and added operations to the roles, logged out, uncommented the filters in the primary controller, and logged back in.

:) Again, thanks for a great module!

So another question for you Chris83… I have situation where I have an Accounts Model. An account will have multiple users. A user can be on multiple accounts as well. Here is the kicker, I would love to some how give a user a ROLE, based on their relationship with an Account.


Account ACME

 John Doe - Role: A

 Jane Doe - Role: B

 Jack Doe - Role: C

Account XYZ

Jack Doe - Role: B

Jane Doe - Role: D

Would that be possible? How would you approach it?

Many Thanks!

1.Set yii-user: the configuration and added to the database table (tbl_profiles, tbl_profiles_fileds, tbl_users).

2.Set the extension-rights: the configuration and added to the database table (authassignment, authitem, authitemchild, rights, user)

  1. Expanded RController (Controller)

  2. Configured authManager

And nothing works. When you add rules, options, problems wrote:

Property "CWebUser.rightsReturnUrl" is not defined.

And if ‘install’ => true, writes: Application web user must extend the RWebUser class.

this is post is awesome, it has helped me setup rights & users together. though some contents are outdated, but using some best judgement and latest documentation from both, it worked like a charm!

sharing my setup:

  1. setup user as in its documentation

  2. setup rights as in its documentation

  3. the particular sections of my main becomes:




‘application.modules.rights.components.*’, // Correct paths if necessary.



	// uncomment the following to enable the Gii tool





	 	// If removed, Gii defaults to localhost only. Edit carefully to taste.





	'rights'=>array( 'install'=>false, // Enables the installer. 






                    // enable cookie-based authentication


                    'loginUrl' => array('/user/login'),



            'authManager'=>array( 'class'=>'RDbAuthManager', 



	'rights'=>array( 'superuserName'=>'Admin', // Name of the role with super user privileges. 

	'authenticatedName'=>'Authenticated', // Name of the authenticated user role. 

	'userIdColumn'=>'id', // Name of the user id column in the database. 

	'userNameColumn'=>'username', // Name of the user name column in the database. 

	'enableBizRule'=>true, // Whether to enable authorization item business rules. 

	'enableBizRuleData'=>false, // Whether to enable data for business rules. 

	'displayDescription'=>false, // Whether to use item description instead of name. 

	'flashSuccessKey'=>'RightsSuccess', // Key to use for setting success flash messages. 

	'flashErrorKey'=>'RightsError', // Key to use for setting error flash messages. 

	'baseUrl'=>'/rights', // Base URL for Rights. Change if module is nested. 

	'layout'=>'rights.views.layouts.main', // Layout to use for displaying Rights. 

	'appLayout'=>'application.views.layouts.main', // Application layout. 

	'cssFile'=>'rights.css', // Style sheet file to use for Rights. 

	'install'=>false, // Whether to enable installer. 

	'debug'=>false, // Whether to enable debug mode. 



  1. follow rights documentation to make controller extend from RController as well as changing/removing your controller’s accessControl lines - this is also in rights documentation

  2. Voila… test and things work!

hello, I did all that and it works fine…apparently !! I came across a series of thoughts when using these two modules. At first i thought I could avoid modifying the code of an extension to be able to update with no problem. But that is not possible. The yii user code must be modified if you want, for example, assign a default role to a freshly registered user or have multiple profiles by roles.

Secondly, I’ve created Authorization items for the user module so no user other then admin is able to see the default list given by index.php/user/ (index action). Without success ! However, this task is assigned to no role ! So only the admin should see the list, right ?

Furthermore, i’ve noticed that by seeing the list the user could also click on an item and go to the view detail !!!

What I did is edit the userController.php and modify the filter to comply with rights

return array(



and remove the rule part.

Then there was an improvement, the list was still visible but not the view detail anymore.

So I have two questions :

  1. Is changing the controllers of the user extension the right move or is there another way ?

  2. Why the user.default.index is still accessible after having

a.Created the tasks related to these action in rights and assigned it to none

b.Modified the userController to the ‘rights’ sauce ?



I followed the steps and it works like a charm now. I could so kiss your feet right now, you saved me a few hours of debugging. :D

guys, i have a funny problem, think anyone of you can fix it :slight_smile: . i changed my default controller to my home controller and also ‘errorAction’=>‘home/error’, in my main config file after i install the ‘rights’ module. the module works fine but when i call any non permissioned action, it shows site/login in the url of the browser. but there is no controller named, ‘site’ in my application. please please can you guys help me a little ? <thanks, tanim>

In your main config modify the user component, to change the loginURL. It should look like this:

        // application components




                        // enable cookie-based authentication


                        'loginUrl' => array('/user/login'),





calling a non permissioned action will redirect you to login page, which is determined by user component, it has nothing to do with errorHandler, so just try to specify correct login page in main config file like this:



			'loginUrl' => array('home/login'),  // change this to proper location


many many thanks to both of you bro ;D ;D

many many thanks to both of you bro ;D ;D

I have such an error when try assign any user to any assignment:

CDbCommand не удалось исполнить SQL-запрос: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (events.authassignment, CONSTRAINT authassignment_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (itemname) REFERENCES AuthItem (name) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE). The SQL statement executed was: INSERT INTO AuthAssignment (itemname, userid, bizrule, data) VALUES (:itemname, :userid, :bizrule, :data)

what could be wrong?

Edit - Solved this problem by deleting all “rights” module’s tables, and then install rights module again (don’t touch yii-user module, it works ok). Error happened when foreign key has been deleted (it happens when i change table name by hands for example)

i’ve followed the instructions in the doc to install the Rights module in my yii app.

But couldn’t fix it yet.

always getting this error



An error occurred while installing Rights.

Please try again or consult the documentation[/b].

i’ve created the tables authitem,authassigment & authitemchild tables in the database.Can any one help me.

Try deleting the database tables, make your changes to the files (i.e. download, extract rights, make necessary changes to the config) and then navigate to http://yourdomain/rights. I’ve only installed this particular extension once a couple of months ago, but from memory you shouldn’t have to manually create the tables (I believe it does that for you).

Thank you so much,

Yet i couldnt’ fix it although i tried without the tables as you said.

Now it says another error

I’ve attached the error i got ,

And also main.php file