'loadRaw' can't be used, action must be UCFirst -> actionloadraw. The url will be all lowercased. Got it working now, but you need to change a lot (TextEditController -> TexteditController, directory names all lowercase, so module name too, all calls to module too etc.)
HaPpY cAmElCaSiNg… Not really funny in Linux
One other thing: if you use any Yii caching, be sure to flush it to prevent Yii remembering wrong paths.
This exception comes from here(>>>), in protected/controllers/UserController.php.
public function actionList() {
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$pages = new CPagination(User::model()->count($criteria));
$pages->pageSize = 25;
$sort = new CSort('user');
$sort->attributes = array(
$criteria->order = '`created` DESC';
>>> $users=User::model()->with('group')->findAll($criteria);
//The user list supports AJAX. Not sure if this is a good thing in this case,
//but I'll leave it as an example
if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest)
$this->renderPartial('listPage', compact('users', 'pages', 'sort'));
$this->render('list', compact('users', 'pages', 'sort'));
You are not using r56 by looking at the code you just gave me
Oh my mistake . Since the difference of r56 is only one line, I changed that portion by hand, but actually I failed to do it. After changing that portion, the exception never happens. Thanks!
Yeah I know, but it's just a demo & I don't really have time & don't want to maintain a separate branch for the demo. I'll do it when I get around to it…