Yii Playground: feedback / questions


actually I do accept messages, but had the inbox full :P

please try again ;)




Your project is very helpful for beginners like me. I have installed playground on my server and found an error for $_GET["r"] not being defined. This happened when you called http://domain.com/playground/index.php. I think this is related to php error reporting settings but I am not sure.

I fixed this by modifying /protected/components/DbManager.php

                if ($_GET['r'] == 'site/createUserDb')



                if (isset($_GET['r']) && $_GET['r'] == 'site/createUserDb')


This seems to have fixed the error I was getting.


The current repository of YiiPlayGround has be fixed.

Unfortunately the version in the downloaded one still is the old which (2010-07-04) haven’t. But thanks for informing to us. :D

Where to post the examples ??? :)

You might watch the video that Giovanni posted first. It will tell where and how to post examples :)


I was planning to release another snapshot in the next weeks with all the new updates, but don’t know exactly when yet :P

Anyway the best option is to do a svn checkout, it is not difficult and once you made it you’re half way to join the project ;D



Wishlist: I’d like to see a working example of master/detail view. Preferably a few working examples, some with javascript/jQuery, others without. This is a frequently-asked-question on the boards that has not been answered well.


first of all: the playground is a perfect place for me to understand the possibilties and the easiness of this framework mch better. Good work!

One question: On the playground demo, there is one menu point called "extension" which is not working right now.

I mean that the submenues, like "date" and "filesystem" are not working.

Do not know if this is a bug or if it is supposed to be that way.

Thought I post it here.

best regards,


Hello gb5256,

The extension just empty, that’s why it seems doesn’t respond when you click on it. But there are some examples though, for example Open Flash Chart, JNotify, JQGrid.

this project is really great!!

i have a problem with it. there are 2 menu points which so not work for me.

in the onlien demo and in the code i chekd out from sn i can’t pen the menu points “authorization and authetification” and “General”. when i click on it, nothing happens.

I checked the source code and can not see why it does not work.

i can access for example the login page whne i go manualy to this url:


but i can not reach this login page with the menu.

is it only me or everyone has this problem?

Well the “General” menu and “Authentication & Authorization” is also empty menus. Both’s demo are yet to be written, which unfortunately, there is still no people contribute on this.

Regarding you can access login page via ?r=site/login I don’t think it serve any purpose. I mean you can login though but it doesn’t affect on any demo in the current Yii Playground. (I am not sure, please correct me, if somebody think it has)


as suggested we could move to Mercurial… but then I have some questions about it:

How does this works in details? What is exactly a bundle? …is it like a set of changes that is not commited directly to the repository but that instead is uploaded somewhere (where?) waiting for approval?

So any project member will be able to apply it to the repository "trunk" ?

[maybe this is a bit OT in this forum but we’ll need to update our documentation that explain how to collaborate with the project if we switch so mercurial; also links to doc. are welcome ;)]





A bundle is a compressed series of changesets, like a patch or a series of patches, except that the username is kept intact and that you can simply import a bundle in one operation.

They are usually saved in a file with a .hg extension, but it doesn’t have to be.

Another way is simply asking a team member to pull from a repository - a pull request.


In essence you create a bundle against the playground repository instead of pushing to it. :)


[quote name=‘Mercurial Bundle’]Generates a compressed changegroup file collecting changesets not found in the other repository.

There is some consensus to use the file extension "*.hg" for bundle files.

With Mercurial, anyone’s “working copy” (clone) of your repository, can easily merge changes from your repository, and they can submit changes back to you. If their clone is a public “fork” of your repository, they can submit a “pull request” (you see this in Github (git) and Bitbucket (hg)), request you to pull changes from their “fork”/clone into your repository.

Another way, is to export only relevant changesets, which can be exported individually or as bundles. The changeset meta data is kept intact in the export, so the author and commit messages (as well as the changeset ID, I believe) are all included when imported into your own repository.

Just a note, while Mercurial’s docs are helpful, I’ve found StackOverflow even more useful:

  • Mercurial - The Definitive Guide
  • Mercurial - Wiki[list]
  • Mercurial - QuickStart
  • Mercurial - Tutorial
  • Mercurial - Understanding Mercurial
  • Mercurial - Quick Reference Cards And CheatSheets

[] Distributed Revision Control Systems: Git vs. Mercurial vs. SVN[] Intro to Distributed Version Control[] Distributed Version Control Systems: A Not-So-Quick Guide Through[] A Guided Tour of Mercurial[] Mozilla Developer Center - Using Mercurial[] Mercurial Manual for Openbravo Developers[*] Hg Init: a Mercurial tutorial by Joel Spolsky[/list]The list above was compiled when Ogitor.org went Mercurial - most links should work. ;)

Yii2 will most probably use GitHub because of its large community and good issue tracker so I think it will be logical to use it instead of BitBucket. Still, you can use Mercurial to work with Git.

Qiang has verified that Github will be the location of Yii2.

The discussion here though, was concerning migrating this project to Mercurial, while keeping it on Google Code (if I recall), not necessarily changing it’s home destination to Github or Bitbucket.


so you mean it would be better to move the yii playground project from google gode to github? And then what you mean with “you can use Mercurial to work with Git” / how ? :rolleyes:

On windows using git is bit a PITA cause for example my antivirus was giving me problems with cygwin and many ports of git for windows are based on it :P But never tried the SmartGit client yet… and in the meantime I saw you can use git also in netbeans now.

So, I’m a bit confused… what should we choose? ;)

Thanks to everybody for the links and information, in particular this one seems well written.



Mercurial has Git support in 1.8 (at least, for supporting Git sub-repos).

Also there is a good 3rd party plugin for providing most-if-not-all git interoperability, called HgGit: https://bitbucket.org/durin42/hg-git, http://hg-git.github.com/, http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/HgGit

As far as Github vs Bitbucket, I agree git is a pain for Windows users. Mercurial is definitely the better choice in that case. I didn’t notice Netbeans supported git now (I assume as of 7.0?), though there had been a poorly hacked together plugin for Netbeans that attempted to support git under Nb 6.8.

Overall, I think Mercurial is easier to use (especially for users changing from Subversion). Additionally, Bitbucket provides unlimited public and private repositories for free.

Ultimately, as long as it’s Git or Hg, either is fine as long as it works well for the primary contributors to the project.

I agree, but was considering github cause if it will be used for Yii2 then users working on it will have a GitHub account and this would make it easier for them to work with Yii Playground… (and, eventually, vice versa) :rolleyes:

Another thing: if a bundle is a “compressed changegroup file”… does this means that the user have to send that file to one of the users that are members of the project so that they can upload it or can he just request to “push” it and then there is some kind of “moderation queue” ? :P :huh:





yep, git support in netbeans is from 7.x … but didn’t tried it yet.