Yii grid

Sure it is. I am working on it in fact. ;)

Great, I’ve already modified the show and admin template files to use CDetailView and CGridView respectively. I’ll be looking out for the CListView then :). Thank you for all the effort that you’ve put into making Yii so useful.

Hi qiang,

I’m trying the new Grid widget, and I think it is very cool.

I’m a jqGrid lover and I’m using it in Yii wrapped in an extension.

Since my projects are jquery-ui based, is there a simple way to theme the new grid widget in order to make it like jqgrid?



can someone post an example about how to use this widget.

This is for grid view

controller code

	public function actionAdmin()




		$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('User', array(







view code


$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(





















			'label'=>'View Profile',










this is for detail view


$this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(






















great thank you. will it get the same functionalities as we can see at jqGrid demo website?

and is there already some documentation ready for this yii widget?

regards bas

No real docs r available yet. Can’t comment on similarities with it and jqgrid, haven’t checked out jqgrid before.

Sorry if I post this question again…

Is there an idea to integrate jquery-ui themes in Yii grid/list component?



Thank you for this nice widget.

Is it possible to have a (second) pager at the top of the grid?



Try to change the CGridView template property

for example: ‘template’=>"{summary}\n{pager}\n{items}\n{pager}";

@makro: thank you for answering. Regarding your query about theming for grid, we are using a slightly different approach, i.e., widget skin. You may find more information about skin in the guide (theming).

Hi qiang,

I’ve just finished to have a look at skin property! ;)

What I can’t understand now is how to use zii jui widgets and new grids under the same theme/skin…

I’m working on a project and I used CJui* (Tabs, Accordion, Dialog) and all my layouts are based on ui-classes…

Now I would like to use new Grids… I spent a day trying to adjust css and js of CGridView in order apply jquery-ui theme… and I’m not satisfied yet…

Which approach do you suggest?

Thanks in advance,


Thank you.

Very nice widgets set, thanks!

I just tried CForm, CGridView and CDetailView and think they are great tools to build admin interfaces fast.

But I some confused with configuration arrays. I have a model (News) with date, announcement, text, is_top fields.

"Announcement" and "text" are text fields with HTML tags.

For grid view I used this:

$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('News');

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(





             'dataField' => 'announcment',

             //expression to output HTML as html (otherwise simple text with tags is shown)

             'dataExpression' => '$data->announcment',





And for detail view:

  $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(








I think it is not very convenient that configuration arrays has different syntax for CGridView and CDetailView.

Why CDetailView modifiers (html, date, time, etc) are not supported also for CGridView?

And why configuration arrays has different key names: dataField and dataExpression for CGridView vs value for CDetailView.

Also inside CGridView expressions (in the dataExpression) parameter $data is used and inside CDetailView expressions $model is used.

And one more thing related to CForm class. It would be good to add some syntax to configuration array so one could extend CFormElement class and use it as field renderer, something like:


     'username'=>array('type'=>'custom:ExtFormInputElement', 'maxlength'=>80),

     'password'=>array('type'=>'custom:ExtFormInputElement', 'maxlength'=>80),


This could be useful, for example, if I need to overwrite standard layout or make other settings in the my subclass and apply them to all form fields.

for CForm, yes, you can use a path alias to specify a customized element type.

CGridView and CDetailView are slightly different. CGridView may be used with a list of data arrays, while CDetailView is mainly used by a module object. I have thought about using the same shortcut syntax in CGridView. However, it seems it is only useful for very limited set of types. Types like date, datetime often need customization, which doesn’t bring any convenience when used in CGridView.

Should I use something like:






As I understand in this case ExtFormInputElement will be invoked as widget and not as CFormElement.

I am using Yii 1.1 RC.

Actually CGridView and CDetailView can be used to represent exactly the same data. For example we can display models list with CGridView and implement "view" action to show single model using CDetailView. In the grid we probably will not display all fields and detail page will contain all model data. So I do not see a major difference between displaying model in the grid and displaying it on the separate page. That is why I think it would be better if CGridView and CDetailView has similar configuration arrays. Also it would be good from ease of learning point of view.

Thanks. All your suggestions are taken regarding CGridView and CDetailView.

For CForm, you can configure CForm::inputElementClass.

Thanks to you. We just finished reimplementing our own mini framework for site development on top of Yii 1.0 and there are classes similar to CForm and CGridView. Now I am switching to Yii 1.1 and I found your implementation is more flexible and as always your code is very good and at highest quality. So I want to integrate now CForm and CGridView (or maybe CListView). In our implementation we extended CActiveRecord and our subclass contains metods which return configuration arrays for form view, grid view and detail view. Having all three configuration arrays nearby I feel uncomfortable with three different syntaxes.

OK, thanks.

After some thinking about this: Using CForm::inputElementClass we set new element class for whole form, but it would be good to have some way to set different element class for single field. Also what if one what to extend CFormStringElement?

I am trying to use CGridView with ajax sorting and it does not works for me. I debugged jquery.yiigridview.js in the FireBug and found that $(data).find(’#’+this) call inside update function can not find the div with the grid. I changed this function in a following way:

$.fn.yiiGridView.update = function(id, options) {

        var settings = $.fn.yiiGridView.settings[id];

        options = $.extend({

            url: $.fn.yiiGridView.getUrl(id),

            success: function(data,status) {

                $.each(settings.ajaxUpdate, function() {

                    //changed $(data).find to $(data).parent().find



                if(settings.afterUpdate != undefined)

                    settings.afterUpdate(id, data);


            error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {



        }, options || {});

        if(settings.beforeUpdate != undefined)




I do not know what is the reason of this behaviour, but after some experimentation in FireBug I found that “$(data).parent().find(’#’+this)” works.